Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Tales of the Traveling Tote

We have a winner! 

          Pam at "Everyday Living"

                            Congratulations Pam! We know you will enjoy using this stylish and easy to grab tote for your summer days..


Dollies and Doughnuts

While recently unpacking a few of my stored boxes, I unpacked a few of my cloth dolls. I've collected them and received them as gifts over the years and I still love to play with them. These two are very old. This sweet rabbit I fell in love with and finally gave in and brought her home with me from a local gift shop. Bunny can be found out and about at Easter. The fairy was admired and she was a surprise from my son for Mother's Day years ago. She usually makes appearances in the spring.

When Dolly's Doughnuts were making the rounds I added them to my weekend breakfast bar. 

Source - Google

I saw this vintage child's tea set while visiting in Fairhope and knew it would be perfect for setting a tiny tea for my dolls

The girls enjoying their tea

My sister gifted me this set of vintage paper cups and saucers. I love the colors and how sweet are they for using for a tiny tea.

The bud vase set have a pink tint

It's always fun to see these little dolls. So many memories....

Thanks for stopping in, I hope you enjoyed your visit. I hope you will leave a comment, it's the only way I know you were here. 
Happy June dear friends...

Friday, May 31, 2024


Tales of the Traveling Tote

 Welcome to another adventure of The Tales of the Traveling Tote. This is where my fellow Tales of the Traveling Tote friends and I share our latest travels, projects and our most current events. You will have an opportunity to visit other members at the end of this post and learn about our giveaway. 



Today, I want to take you along with me and Miss Courtney as I visit the Kentuck Art Center located in downtown Northport. Tuscaloosa and Northport are separated by the Black Warrior river, only minutes from my home.  The Kentuck campus features onsite galleries, artists' studios, workshops and a museum gallery shop with rotating exhibitions. The museum and offices are located in a community funded renovated building built in 1815. 

Miss Courtney and I enjoyed a stroll through the Gallery Shop while we were in the neighborhood. 

Local artist enjoy a free platform for engagement, healing, and a feeling of belonging for our community. I hope you enjoy your stroll. 

I am already planning another visit here to other exhibits and markets. 

The 53rd Kentuck Festival of the Arts will be held October 19-20. I can't wait, I only have to walk out my door and down the park trail next to my neighborhood.  With over 270 plus artists from around the country there will be something for everyone. 

Now for our Giveaway

As always, The Traveling Tote girls want to thank you for following along with our travel adventures. For a chance to win this darling MacKenzie-Childs tote just leave a comment below to be entered in the drawing. I will contact the winner for your mailing address. Thank you and good luck!


I hope you will visit my Tale of the Traveling Tote friends for more fun adventures.

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths
 Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet, Miss Square Peggy @ The Bookish Delettante
Jenna with Miss Coquille @ The Painted Apron
Emily with Miss Courtney Childs@ The French Hutch
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Rita with Miss Luna C @ Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home


Please join us for our next 

Tales of the Traveling Tote post and giveaway

September 1, 2024 


Friday, March 1, 2024



Tales of The Traveling Tote

Where my fellow Traveling Tote friends and I share our latest travels, projects and our most current events. You will have an opportunity to visit other members at the end of this post and learn about our giveaway.

Hello dear friends and welcome to another Tales of The Traveling Tote. We have been busy here, just not with exciting travel adventures! The holidays kept us very busy with family and friends.


In December I met Jenna from the Painted Apron and Ricki Jill from The Sketchy Reader at a favorite Vestavia restaurant. We enjoyed a little bubbly and sweet treats to celebrate birthdays!

We had a great lunch while catching up
I look forward to seeing these sweet girls again soon!


I have been frequenting favorite shops and a little antiquing since moving, I guess you could say I've been on the hunt for a few pieces to add to a collection. No luck yet but I always enjoy the hunt.  

Adams Antiques & The Potager

A lovely writing desk 

December is my favorite month of the year! I love decorating, baking and seeing family and friends. 



Christmas Day

Christmas Day started out with the sweet celebration of family gathered to celebrate Christmas. With family gathered around the dining table I noticed Jim didn't seem himself. After the meal I asked what is wrong, "I've lost sight in my right eye!" This definitely called for a trip to the ER. After numerous tests he was discharged with instructions to see the ophthalmologist. Long story short, the lens from cataract surgery twenty-five years ago had dropped away leaving him with no vision in the right eye. After a long wait he had surgery last week. Vision is slowly returning and we are both so very thankful. No lifting or exercising since Christmas Day. Hopefully after the next checkup he will be able to get back to his daily routine.  

My sweet Jim


Valentine's Day

Mac the Bear and Kenzie from MacKenzie-Childs, celebrating the big day with flowers and candies. 

Spring Fever

With a tease of spring in the air for a few days  with surprisingly mild temperatures, February has brought spring fever! I decided to make a visit to one of our local big box garden centers to look for early spring flowers. I wasn't disappointed! 

So much for spring weather here, storms yesterday  brought a cold front so spring will have to wait!
Tell me, do you have spring fever?

Now for the giveaway!

 Deb will be hosting our giveaway. For a chance to win this MacKenzie-Childs "To Go Tote"
visit Deb here @ Mountain Breaths
 to leave a comment on her blog post.

Tales of the Traveling Tote members would love for you to visit them.... 

  Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home


Thanks so much for your visit. I hope you will leave a comment, it's the only way I know you were here......

Join us June 1, 2024 for the next edition of 

The Tales of The TravelingTote



The French Hutch and all its text, content, photographs and ideas are mine unless stated and are copyright protected.
Using content including but not limited to: designs, original ideas, photographs, posts, etc. is prohibited without permission with the exception of Pinning and Social Media for sharing.
Contact me at willamy682@gmail.com for permission to use content and photographs and link back to original post
The French Hutch
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