Thursday, January 4, 2024


Basking in  Christmas Afterglow

I have to admit, I feel a little down after Christmas. I miss the excitement of welcoming my family, the feeling of sheer joy they bring me. After watching their cars pull away and the last wave goodbye, I can hardly believe how fast it all passed. But, once I stop and think about the blessing of time having spent together, of celebrating Christmas, the birth of Christ, I give thanks for the many blessings we have experienced. Now I am thinking of memories made and basking in afterglow! 

So, if you don't mind seeing more Christmas decorations, join me as I enjoy the afterglow.


Hall leads to downstairs guest room and bathroom

Living Room

The secretary gets all glam!


And stockings were hung by the chimney with care

In hopes that St Nicholas would soon be there

The bookcase holds travel treasures

I love lots of red velvet pillows throughout

The dining room table is set with 
Juliska Country Estate Winter Frolic

A few more photos of some of my favorite things

It is bittersweet for me, saying goodby to 2023 but looking forward to beginning a new year. So tell me, are you sad to say goodbye to your Christmas memories?

Thank you so much for stopping in. I hope you will leave a comment, it's the only way I know you were here! 

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!



  1. I hate to see Christmas end as well. I will be taking down all the Christmas decor this week, but I will leave winter items a bit longer. Feb. 1 it will change again.

  2. Emily, I am always a little sad when Christmas is over. There is so much anticipation and it ends so quickly. Your home is beautifully decorated. I love the tree and all of your lovely vignettes. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2024!

  3. Emily, it is such a treat to visit your beautiful home and especially during Christmas season! It's exquisite -- every single photo is magical, filled with warmth, love, creativity, elegance and joy. How very magical your tree is and I love the various vignettes, every single one.

    My Christmas will be up until the basement is put back together -- which I hope isn't too long, but probably into February. So, every day I still turn on the lights and their color and shine get me through our gloomy, gray-sky days. I don't mind one single bit! There are things I don't miss -- the shopping, the wrapping. And things I do.

  4. Loved the phptos - thank you. I think Christmas decorations should be up all year, they lift the spirits and give one a push of energy and warm feelings!

  5. Emily, your Christmas decor is beautiful. How special to take a peek in different parts of your lovely home. The tree looks stunning. It is always sad to put Christmas away. The warmth and decor is always charming. And so festive. The house looks empty after putting it all away. We were alone on Christmas. Treasure those special moments. Happy New Year🤗

  6. Hi Emily! I so enjoyed seeing the glow of your Christmas in your beautiful home. I had a wonderful Christmas with my family this year. I put a lot of my decorations away, but I am still enjoying the 12 Days of Christmas with my trees still up and some of the decor. Happy 2024 to you!

  7. I actually like the fresh clean look after having so many of my do-dads out. I love your door wreaths. I also have double front doors and have to create twin arrangements! Onward to the new year, my dear!

  8. Coucou Emily,
    déjà je voulais te féliciter pour la décoration et la superbe ambiance de ton intérieur. C'est vraiment magnifique et magique.
    J'adore ton sapin, et toutes tes décos, un énorme bravo.
    De mon côté, je suis heureuse de découvrir cette nouvelle année 2024 et j'espère surtout une meilleure santé car cette dernière a été pénible pour moi.
    Plein d'ondes positives et de gros bisous.

  9. I always enjoy seeing how others decorate their homes for Christmas. Your trees and vignettes
    are breathtaking. It is all out together with perfection. Love it all!

  10. Yay Emily, I finally get to see your new home! It looks gorgeous decked out with all your Christmas pretties! The wreaths on your double front door are beautiful and wow, you really decorated everywhere! Your secretary looks so festive and your dining room is lovely, I really like the big tree on the sideboard, so pretty! Your kitchen range looks like a professional appliance wow~ the MKC tiered tray holding the fruit ornaments is so fun and I love the tray with the nutcracker, houses and trees. So many beautiful things and touches to enjoy, I know your family loved it all! Your tree is beautiful! We still have our trees up, mainly because Ryan is sick this week, I think he has a mild case of the flu. But I am still enjoying the tree lights at night so it's fine with me! Thanks so much for the holiday home tour!
    💕 Jenna

  11. I enjoyed the tour of your lovely home and gorgeous decorations - you have lots of treasures! Happy New Year!

  12. Emily, thank you so much for sharing glimpses into your new home and Christmas finery! I've been hoping you would do a post like this, and it's like a little present. 😊🎄
    While I have packed up all my Christmas, both at home and the antique mall, I still love Christmas, and enjoyed all the lovely details while gazing on my desktop in full screen. The table setting is just so wonderful, and the tree in the dining room perfect. I love the main tree with all those lights and glass ornaments! Beautiful kitchen!
    Wishing your good health in the new year, and that Christmas afterglow to last throughout.

  13. Emily, I'm like you. I'm not one to rush packing it all up. I actually find that the first weeks in January are a perfect time to savor the quiet, sitting by a fire with the tree lights twinkling across the room. Things slow down after the holidays, and I enjoy having friends stop by for a visit, a glass of bubbly, etc.
    Your attention to detail in your home is inspiring. It's such a pleasure to sit here and think of you and Jim and your family enjoying the holidays in these beautiful spaces. I zoomed in on the tree to see your special ornaments. Your kitchen vignettes with the tiered cake stands really stand out for me. Love the Christmas tea pot. I wish I had added one of those. Do you remember what year it is? The tray with the houses and nutcracker is so inviting. Great way to highlight these special pieces.
    Thanks for sharing your home decorated for the holidays. It's wonderful!
    Happy 2024!




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