Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Tales of the Traveling Tote

We have a winner! 

          Pam at "Everyday Living"

                            Congratulations Pam! We know you will enjoy using this stylish and easy to grab tote for your summer days..


Dollies and Doughnuts

While recently unpacking a few of my stored boxes, I unpacked a few of my cloth dolls. I've collected them and received them as gifts over the years and I still love to play with them. These two are very old. This sweet rabbit I fell in love with and finally gave in and brought her home with me from a local gift shop. Bunny can be found out and about at Easter. The fairy was admired and she was a surprise from my son for Mother's Day years ago. She usually makes appearances in the spring.

When Dolly's Doughnuts were making the rounds I added them to my weekend breakfast bar. 

Source - Google

I saw this vintage child's tea set while visiting in Fairhope and knew it would be perfect for setting a tiny tea for my dolls

The girls enjoying their tea

My sister gifted me this set of vintage paper cups and saucers. I love the colors and how sweet are they for using for a tiny tea.

The bud vase set have a pink tint

It's always fun to see these little dolls. So many memories....

Thanks for stopping in, I hope you enjoyed your visit. I hope you will leave a comment, it's the only way I know you were here. 
Happy June dear friends...


  1. Coucou Emily,
    toutes mes félicitations à l'heureuse gagnante. J'adore ta petite mise en scène entre ces magnifiques poupées et ce service à thé, accompagné de gourmandises.
    Superbes aussi les assiettes dessert offertes par ta soeur.
    Bel après-midi, gros bisous.

  2. Good morning, Emily! I am excited to win the “To Go Tote! A special thanks to all of you ladies for this giveaway. I love your cloth dolls and their sweet tea party. The vintage paper cup and saucer set is charming as is the children’s tea set. I somehow missed the KK Dolly’s doughnuts, they look delicious. My only problem is I can’t just eat one! Wishing you a lovely Wednesday. It is very cloudy here this morning!

  3. Oh how adorable Emily! Your dolls are just precious and the tea set is darling! Such a cute tea party they are enjoying! Your flower vases are so pretty, and the donuts match everything! Congrats to Pam, she will love that tote!

  4. How cute and sweet. Love your dolls and the darling new tea set. Those paper products are lovely too. And.....the amazing cute donuts. Everything is fancy these days!

  5. This is so charming Emily. I love the dolls -- so sweet and that tea set is adorable. The paper cups are a terrific find -- so "un-paper-cupish!" A lovely post that makes me smile. And three cheers for Pam!

  6. Adorable! I have two rabbits I made in the early 1990’s and other than the elastic wearing out in one’s sleeves, they are in great shape. Thank you for the inspiration to have a doll’s tea if my own. ☺️💕

  7. Oh my.. everything is just so pretty!




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